Charlene L. Fernandez, Gina Fe G. Israel


This study explored the potential mediating impact of scientific epistemological beliefs on the correlation between the classroom social environment and adaptive learning in the field of science. The researcher used a quantitative, non-experimental approach using a correlational technique. The study was conducted in seven selected public schools in Davao City where senior high school students are present. There were two hundred ninety (290) grade 12 student participants in total. The researcher applied the five Likert Scaling Method wherein the respondents will choose between 1 - 5, 4.20 - 5.00 is very high and 1.00 - 1.79 is very low. Also, ethical procedures were observed. The data that were gathered from the Level of Adaptive Learning Engagement of Science Students showed high levels. In addition, The Correlations between Classroom Social Environment and Scientific Epistemological Beliefs of Science Students, The Correlations between Adaptive Learning Engagement and Classroom Social Environment, and The Correlations between Scientific Epistemological Beliefs of Science Students and Adaptive Learning Engagement also showed positive correlations. Meanwhile, the Level of Classroom Social Environment and Level of Epistemological Beliefs were found to be moderate in level. Therefore, there is a significant effect of the Mediating Effect of Scientific Epistemological Beliefs, but student adaptive learning engagement emerges as a concern to address challenges like low achievement, disinterest, alienation, and high dropout rates.


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epistemological beliefs, classroom, mediation

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