Daniel Ndhlovu, Judith T. H. Zimba


The purpose of the study was to examine the challenges faced by untrained school counsellors in practicing sub-skills counselling on their pupil-clients. This study was guided by a constructivist paradigm, and in keeping with the research paradigm, a qualitative case study design was employed. Techniques within qualitative research, such as in-depth interviews and non-participant observation checklists, were used and provided important insights into individuals' attitudes, opinions, and behaviors. Given such qualities, this approach became important, especially when aiming to understand the challenges experienced by counsellors utilizing specific sub-skills when counseling pupils. The sample of this study comprised 15 untrained school counsellors by using typical case purposeful sampling, consisting of 3 untrained school counsellors who are members of the school guidance and counselling committees who were selected from each of the 5 schools in Lundazi District. Data from the semi-structured interviews and non-participants observation checklist were triangulated to enhance the trustworthiness of the study findings. Data were analysed by thematic analysis. The study revealed that untrained counselors’ experiences challenges in practicing these sub-skills, including struggles with maintaining an open posture, natural abilities to lean towards the client, cultural sensitivity in maintaining eye contact, and the impact of posture on counseling effectiveness. In addressing these challenges, the study showed potential solutions, including effective sitting arrangements, developing an open posture, appropriate leaning, balanced eye contact, and achieving a relaxed posture. Addressing the challenges faced by untrained counselors, the discussions underscored a collective awareness among participants regarding the physical aspects inherent to their role. However, a recurring theme surfaced despite this recognition, counselors frequently found themselves lacking the necessary training needed for the effective practice of sub-skills. Based on these findings, the study recommends that the school should provide specialized training for school untrained counselors and should also establish a mentorship program with qualified counselors where untrained counselors can work under the guidance of qualified professionals.


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untrained school counsellors, sub-skills counselling, learner clients

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