This study investigates the predictive power of existential anxieties (death, meaninglessness, isolation, and freedom) on life satisfaction and self-esteem. The study was designed within the framework of a relational screening model. The study group of the research was comprised of a total of 418 sophomore and junior students studying in various undergraduate programs of Ankara University, Faculty of Educational Sciences in the 2015-2016 spring term. The Existential Anxiety Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and Satisfaction with Life Scale were utilized for the study in order to assess undergraduate students’ existential anxieties. The t-test for the independent samples and multiple regression analysis were used in the analyses of data collected within the scope of the study. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis technique was utilized to ascertain the best predictors for the self-esteem and life satisfaction variables in the study. The results of the study revealed no statistically significant differences between female and male students pertaining to the meaninglessness, isolation, death anxiety, and freedom sub-dimensions of the existential anxiety scale and the total score obtained from the scale. It was observed that the meaninglessness, isolation, and freedom variables were significant predictors with regards to their contribution to the self-esteem variance. It was also seen that the isolation and meaninglessness variables were significant predictors regarding their contribution to the life satisfaction variance. The data collected were discussed within the framework of related literature.
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