This study aims to determine the effect of Structured Learning Approach (SLA) modification to increase social skills in primary school for at-risk students. This study used a single subject design with multiple baselines across subject models. The subjects of this study are five (5) at-risk elementary school students in 3rd grade. The data collection instrument consists of the format of recording the frequency of social skills (sharing), social skills identification instruments, shared knowledge, evaluation of sharing skills, observation of social sharing skills, and treatment instruments in the form of guidebooks. The results showed that SLA modification can improve the social skills of sharing, that is, the children's target of baseline average 4.0 increased to 8.0, the target child AD average baseline 2.7 increased to 7.0; Target child ZD average baseline 2.3 increased to 6.7; The target child AR average baseline 3.0 increased to 6.3; and the target child baseline average increased to 5.3.
Article visualizations:
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