Republic of Indonesia’s Act Number 24 Year 2009 has mandated among other: (1) the obligation for overseas employees and workers to be proficient in Indonesian language, otherwise they need to be trained in Indonesian language classes; (2) the establishment of a language national agency which must be directly responsible to the minister; and (3) the increasing of Indonesian as the state language function to be an international language. Furthermore, the Government Regulation Number 57 Year 2014 emphasises the policy of Indonesian language internationalisation and it is stated that the policy is undertaken through Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA) or Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (ILFS) teaching program. Within the ILFS field itself, there are three major teaching providers which are: (1) universities, (2) agreement of cooperation schools, and (3) nonformal course and training institutions. This article is a policy analysis report which intends to expose the interpolicy dynamics existing in two education policies implementation; the internationalisation of Indonesian state language policy and the nonformal education policy. The research which is done qualitatively finds that there is an interpolicy synergy or a two-ways-support between the two policies in their implementation process. This is possible due to a good will for intersectoral cooperation and coordination among policy actors; two main governmental leading sectors of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), which are (1) the Directorate of Nonformal Courses and Trainings Nurturance (CTN) and (2) the Agency of Language Development and Nurturance (Language Agency), and some nongovernmental ILFS stakeholders, such as the ILFS professional association “APPBIPA”, and the nonformal course and training providers (CTP) themselves. The combination of these organisations has become a unique education policy network in Indonesia.
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