Deddy Whinata Kardiyanto, Hari Setijono, Edy Mintarto


The evaluation is conducted with the aim to get a comprehensive, holistic, and empirical picture of Indonesia Paralympic coaching both strategic and technical level, either off the field and in the field. The method of this research is using descriptive method with survey technique. Assessment and analysis were conducted directly on the context dimensions, inputs, processes and products on Indonesia Paralympic coaching. Instruments used to retrieve data includes: (1) questionnaires for athletes; (2) interviews for trainers; (3) interviews for managers; (4) Observation; and (5) secondary data in the form of documents related to the National Paralympic Committee (NPC). The results of data analysis in general is a combination of all data on each factor and indicator, the condition of development of Indonesia Paralympic: (1) athlete recruitment system has been implemented according to the stages that have been set; (2) trainers and assistant trainers meet the criteria set by Indonesia Paralympic; (3) implementation of the exercises, namely: annual program, monthly program, weekly program, daily program, evaluation program has been implemented by Indonesia Paralympic coach; (4) Centralized consumption meets 74%; of expectations (5) board and lodging meet 84% of expectations ; (6) the carrying capacity of infrastructure and facilities meets 72% of expectations ; (7) the characteristics of the central sports are: a) Induk Cabang Olahraga has not been conducted yet, b) regional or central NPC, at the same time, play a role as Induk Cabang Olahraga; (8) the main source of funds from the government in accordance with applicable legislation through the allocation of APBN and APBD funds, community assistance and membership fees.


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coaching, sports, Paralympic, Indonesia


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