Josephine Liengu Lyonga


This paper reports a study that was carried out to investigate, in a comparative perspective, the Socio-educational experiences of individuals living with severe deafness in some mainstream and special schools in the South West and North West regions of Cameroon. In this study, data was collected using questionnaires distributed to a purposively sampled population of students with deafness (No=30), 15 from mainstream and 15 from special schools. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and the Pearson chi square to measure significant differences and similarities. Findings were highly diversified. Generally, the bulk of the students in both types of institutional placements were positive about their socio-educational experiences. Comparatively, findings in mainstream schools reveal that majority of the students do not benefit equal level of socio-educational experiential support like their non-disabled peers and peers with other categories of disabilities. Their socio educational experiences include limitation in: interaction with teachers; provision of visual resources; classroom communication strategies and peer acceptance. In contrast, their counterparts placed in special schools benefit from all such socio-educational experiential supports. On the other hand, learning and academic achievement of students with deafness were the same in both types of schools. In conclusion, the study suggests that school stakeholders should embark on the least restrictive environment placement that will promote the socio-educational experiences necessary for effective schooling and learning of all students living with severe deafness.

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socio-educational experiences, inclusive support, individual with deafness, mainstream school placement, special school placement

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v6i3.3310

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