Y. Yumenah


This research investigates the increasing number of parents experiencing conflicts which may end with divorce. Parental divorce is a problem for children, at least the child knows the family collapse process. This situation can affect a child's mental development, for example in adjusting to the environment because his mind is filled with anxiety and fear which can disturb him. From the results of several studies, the occurrence of parental divorce has a profound influence on the condition of their children (Dagun, 2002). There are often conflicts in the souls of children, one of which is when their parents’ divorce, many of them have to choose who they should live with, even though they really want with both but they have still to choose. Sometimes they feel embarrassed because their parents separated; this is making feeling inferior or withdraw from environment and sometimes make difficult to be able adjust their friends or environment around them.

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parents' divorce, adolescent adjustment

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