Tri Sayekti, S. Sunardi, Nunuk Suryani


This study aims to determine the teachers’ understanding and needs on reproduction health education at high school for students with Mental Retardation in SLB CG YPPCG Surakarta, SLB PBM Surakarta, SLB YSSD Surakarta and SLB N Surakarta.  This study is a kind of qualitative research with case study type. Subject in this study is teachers of students with Mental Retardation in 10th until 12thgrade in 4 SLB-C in Surakarta with total of 12 respondents. Data was collected by using the instrument of knowledge and attitude understanding. Data was analyzed by sing descriptive qualitative. In this research, there are three aspects: the majority of teachers do not understand about reproduction health education yet, all respondents indicate that there are no reproduction health education programs in schools, and all respondents suggest that it is important to have education reproduction health for children with Mental Retardation.


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mental retardation, reproduction, health education


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