Yuliya Anatoliivna Bondarenko


In the article, the author made an analysis of the views of ancient poets, philosophers and scientists, physicians, educators, musicologists from different eras on the problem of medical and educational impact of music on a person. It is shown that in prehistoric times the musical art was associated with myths, magic and religious cult rituals. Based on the views of the ancient philosophers and thinkers there were various theories and concepts of the impact of music on the body and the human psyche. Scientific understanding of the mechanisms scientists’ impact of music on the human body began in the early twentieth century. The article focuses on the analysis of current uses of music in therapeutic and remedial work with children of different categories, including psycho-physiological, psychotherapeutic, psychological and socio-pedagogical.

            The materials is structured chronologically, which allowed time interval to track the use of music in medical and remedial work and highlight historical periods and stages in the development of different views on the issue under study: pre-scientific period that includes the ripening stage ideas therapeutic effects of music and scientific propaedeutic phase formation thought; research period comprising theoretical principles forming the physiological effects of music on the human body and the stage of formation and development of scientific understanding of the mechanisms of diversification’s effects of music on people.


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musical arts, medical and pedagogical influence the history of children with psychophysical development


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