Although reports on akinetic family drawings or Draw-a-Family (DaF) found in literature can be traced to Hulse (1951, 1952), Burns and Kaufmann (1970, 1972) have been credited as the originators of the Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD), which is used in assessing cognitive, interpersonal, and/or psychological functioning today. Spinetta et al. (1981) revised the KFD measure and used it as an affective measure to work with siblings of children diagnosed with cancer. The focus of this paper is to introduce the Kinetic Family Drawing Interview Questionnaire (KFD-IQ) within the context of a family unit which is based on the triangulation of three key components – composition of a family (C), the relationships of the family members (R), and the dynamics of family activities (D) – involving the social beings (S) that make up the family unit. From these components, the authors of this paper have created the CRDS framework as the model of a family unit. The goal of the KFD-IQ within the CRDS framework is to provide therapists an additional tool to be used with children and adolescents with emotional behavioral issues and also to complement the KFD (Burns & Kaufman, 1970, 1972) or KFD-Revised (Spinetta et al., 1981) scoring system for the KFD analysis.
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