One of the four main skills of language, reading is a concept encountered by individuals both in the process of education and social life. Individuals reading and having positive motivation towards reading constitute successful societies. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation of reading motivation & reading engagement with reading comprehension skills in 8th grade students. The sample of the study consisted of 183 students studying at 8th grade of secondary school during the school year of 2016-2017. The data were collected by using “reading motivation and engagement scale” developed by Guthrie and Klauda (2014) and adapted into Turkish by Yıldız and Aktaş (2015) as well as “test of reading comprehension” developed by the researcher. According to the data obtained, a significant difference was found in terms of the variables of gender and age. Additionally, while positive significant correlations were found among the subscales of reading motivation and engagement scale, reading motivation& reading engagement had a negative correlation with reading comprehension. According to the regression analysis, none of the variables predicted each other.
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