Introduction and Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the effects of 6 Week Aerobic Exercise Program on Body Composition and Blood Lipids in Women.
Methods: The population of the research consists of women who make step aerobics in the fitness centers of Elazığ and the sample consists in total 12 sedentary women of between the ages of 25 and 30 selected by random method. Participants were given an aerobic exercise program for 3 days and 30 minutes a week. The intensity of exercise was determined by Karvonen method as 50-60%. Participants' body weights, body fat percentages and blood lipids were measured before and after exercise. In the analysis of the data, SPSS 17 package program was used. The obtained data were evaluated statistically at (p<0.05) level.
Findings: There was a significant difference in body weight and body fat percentages of sedentary women participating in the study compared to before exercise (p<0.05). When the blood lipids of the participants were examined, significant differences were found in HDL LDL and triglyceride levels compared to pre-test values (p<0.05).
Discussion and Conclusion: As a result, regular aerobic and anaerobic positive effect on body composition and blood lipids in women aged 25-30. It can be said that such regular training is necessary for a healthy life, especially for the prevention of obesity.
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